Once upon a time, there was a beautiful lad whose name was Narcissus.
His beauty was so great that all the girls who saw him longed to be his,
but he would have none of them. He would pass the loveliest carelessly
by , no matter how much she tried to make him look at her.
Even the fairest of the nymphs, Echo, did not move him.
從前從前,有一個名叫Narcussus的美少年。Narcussu的俊美讓所有見到他的女孩子,都不由自主的愛上他,渴望成為他的意中人。儘管這些仰慕他的女孩子個個使出渾身解數想要討他的歡心,他卻總是無動於衷;即使是仙女中最美麗的女神-Echo,也無法感動他。She had been condemned by Hera never to use her tongue again except
to repeat what was said to her, as a punishment for helping Zeus get
away from Hera's investigation into his affairs. In love with Narcissus,
the poor Echo could only follow him without being able to speak to him.
One day, however, it seemed that her chance had come. he was calling to
his companions.
“Is anyone here?”
“Here-Here-” She called back in rapture, hiding by the trees.
“Come!” Shouted the lad.
“Come!” She answered joyfully, and stepped forth from the woods
with her arms outstretched.
But he turned away in angry disgust.
“Not so” he said, “I will die before I give you power over me.”
“I give you power over me-” was all she could say in response.
But he was gone. She stayed in a lonely cave, so wasting away with
longing that only her voice now is left to her.
「在-在…」她躲在大樹後面雀躍地答道。「請妳出來呀!!」美少年大聲喊著。 「出來呀!!」她張開雙臂喜悅地從樹叢後跳出來回應著。
但Narcissus卻一臉厭惡的轉過身去。「請不要這樣子」他說,「在我把我的力量給你之前我就會死。」「在我把我的 力量給你之前…」是她唯一能夠說出的話。 Narcissus離開了,只留下了她獨自留在寂靜的樹洞裡,伴隨她的是她僅有的聲音。So Narcissus went on his cruel way, a scorner of love. But one say,
as Narcissus bent over a clear pool for a drink and saw his own reflection
there, on the moment he fell in love with it.
至於Narcissus,仍舊對愛情抱持不屑一顧的態度;有一天Narcissus來到一潭清澈 的湖邊,低頭取水時,煞那間看見自己的倒影,竟深深地愛上了而無法自拔。He pined away, leaning perpetually over the pool, fixed in one long gaze.
There on the spot was blooming a new and lovely flower,
and people called it by his name, Narcissus.
在不知不覺間Narcissus漸漸地陷進湖裡,最後與湖水成為一體永遠地消失了。而就在他陷入水中的那個地方開出了一朵美麗的花,從此以後,人們就以他的名字爲花命名,名為Narcissus (水仙花)。