Saturday, November 19, 2005

Best In Me

It is one of my favorite songs which I like the most, and I want to share it
with you, hope you will enjoy listening to it. ^_^

From the moment I met you I just knew you'd be mine
You touched my hand
And I knew that this was gonna be our time
I don't ever wanna lose this feeling
I don't wanna spend a moment apart

'Cos you bring out the best in me, like no-one else can do
That's why I'm by your side, and that's why I love you

Every day that I'm here with you
I know that it feels right
And I've just got to be near you every day and every night
And you know that we belong together
It just had to be you and me


And you know that we belong together, It just had to be you and me

'Cos you bring out the best in me, like no-one else can do
That's why I'm by your side
'Cos you bring out the best in me, like no-one else can do
That's why I'm by your side, and that's why I love you
'Cos you bring out the best in me, like no-one else can do
That's why I'm by your side, and that's why I love you

Friday, November 18, 2005

Signpost for presentation

When we are giving a presentation, there are certain key words we use to
"signpost" different stages in our presentation.

When you want to make your next point, you "move on".
Moving on to the next point.
I'd like to move on to the next point if there are no further questions.

When you want to change to a completely different topic, you "turn to".
I'd like to turn to something completely different.
Let's turn now to our plans for next year.

When you want to give more details about a topic you "expand" or "elaborate".
I'd like to expand more on this problem we have had in Chicago.
Would you like me to expand a little more on that or have you understood
enough? I don't want to elaborate any more on that as I'm short of time.

When you want to talk about something which is off the topic of your
presentation, you "digress".
I'd like to digress here for a moment and just say a word of thanks to Bob
for organizing this meeting.
Digressing for a moment, I'd like to say a few words about our problems in Chicago.

When you want to refer back to an earlier point, you "go back".
Going back to something I said earlier, the situation in Chicago is serious.
I'd like to go back to something Jane said in her presentation.

To just give the outline of a point, you "summarize".
If I could just summarize a few points from John's report.
I don’t have a lot of time left so I’m going to summarize the next few points.

To repeat the main points of what you have said, you "recap".
I'd like to quickly recap the main points of my presentation.
Recapping quickly on what was said before lunch, ……

For your final remarks, you "conclude".
I'd like to conclude by leaving you with this thought ……
If I may conclude by quoting Karl Marx …….

some idioms about "UP"

1. If someone 'beats you up', they hit and kick you and hurt you a lot.
2. If you 'bottle up' a feeling or emotion, you suppress them and don't express them.
3. If you 'call someone up', you phone them.
4. If something 'crops up', it happens unexpectedly.
5. If you 'freshen up', you wash and make yourself more presentable.
6. If your eyes 'light up', they become excited.
7. If you 'own up', you confess to something.
8. If you 'polish something up', you improve it.
9. If you 'speed up', you go faster.
10.If you 'tighten up' something, you make it more secure.

Thursday, November 17, 2005


Wednesday, November 16, 2005

New Friends and Old Friends

by Joseph Parry

Make new friends, but keep the old;
Those are silver, these are gold.
New-made friendships, like new wine,
Age will mellow and refine.
Friendships that have stood the test -
Time and change - are surely best;
Brow may wrinkle, hair grow gray,
Friendship never knows decay.
For 'mid old friends, tried and true,
Once more we our youth renew.
But old friends, alas! may die,
New friends must their place supply.
Cherish friendship in your breast-
New is good, but old is best;
Make new friends, but keep the old;
Those are silver, these are gold.





This is the poem that I learned recently, which I cherish
a lot, the literary grace is so great, I can't help but reciting
it over and over again. It's so beautiful...


Human Resources
資遣員工 make somebody redundant
遣散費 severance pay
非自願式離職 constructive dismissal

日光燈 fluorescent light
防燙手套 potholder
硬毛刷 scrubbing brush
木製飯瓢 wooden spatula
菜瓜布 scouring pad

平方根 square root
梯形 trapezoid
# pound sign
() 括弧 parentheses
[] 角形括弧 (中括弧) brackets
{} 大括弧 braces
> 大於 greater than
< 小於 less than & (and的記號名稱 ) ampersand ... (省略符號 ) ellipsis Hospital
耳溫槍 ear scope
針筒 syringe
OK繃 Band-Aid
聽診器 stethoscope

推土機 bulldozer
混凝土車 cement mixer
消防車 fire engine
單軌電車 monorail
油罐車 tanker

摩天輪 Ferris wheel
兒童賽車 go-cart
旋轉木馬 merry-go-round
學爬架 monkey bars

鯛魚 bream
秋刀魚 saury
比目魚 flounder
鯰魚 catfish
青花魚 mackerel
泥鰍 loach
河豚 blowfish
鯉魚 carp
海星 starfish


Tuesday, November 15, 2005

The Reflections of Tennis Class

I had never tried playing tennis before I got in NTUST. And actually I am also not a person who is keen on athletics. However, the reason why I chose to attend this course was because I wanted to try something new which I was not able to try before; to tell the truth, I was not so into the situation of how to hold the racket and bat the tennis ball at the beginning, when I was told that I would be requested to hit the tennis against the wall for at least 15 times continuously for my semester exam, I really wondered if I could do that.

The first impression on teacher 姜 was like he is a very serious and strict teacher, to tell the truth, there was a quick flash once into my mind thinking of switching to the other sport class in the first place, only because I was afraid that I would get low grades on my performance, also for such an unfamiliar sport to me, I did not feel confident of what I was going to learn. However, it has been 10 weeks passed for having the tennis class; to be frank, I am getting used to the sense of getting the tennis in control, at least my highest records of hitting the tennis against the wall is 25 times without dropping down, which is a very good effect after I have paid efforts on practicing my skills. But I must say that I have only improved a little bit, and there are still plenty of rooms for me to move on.

I have had the tennis course for several weeks so far, especially there is one thing that impressed me the most , also, I would like to express my gratitude towards teacher 姜. One time while I was playing tennis, I accidentally sprained my ankle, due to I have the tendency of habitually ankle-sprained, that time I was also seriously injured. Thanks to teacher 姜 approached to me promptly and gave me the first-aid treatment, that soothed my pain a lot. Although my ankle has not fully recovered yet, but I still do not want to miss the class, after all, I want to learn better and better through each time’s practicing.

All in all, tennis to me is a new sport that I am trying, the more I learn, and am able to control it, the more self-confident I gain. I can say that I like playing tennis, and I am looking forward to seeing my improvements through the whole year school term.

Monday, November 14, 2005


Once upon a time, there was a beautiful lad whose name was Narcissus.
His beauty was so great that all the girls who saw him longed to be his,
but he would have none of them. He would pass the loveliest carelessly
by , no matter how much she tried to make him look at her.
Even the fairest of the nymphs, Echo, did not move him.


She had been condemned by Hera never to use her tongue again except
to repeat what was said to her, as a punishment for helping Zeus get
away from Hera's investigation into his affairs. In love with Narcissus,
the poor Echo could only follow him without being able to speak to him.
One day, however, it seemed that her chance had come. he was calling to
his companions.


“Is anyone here?”
“Here-Here-” She called back in rapture, hiding by the trees.
“Come!” Shouted the lad.
“Come!” She answered joyfully, and stepped forth from the woods
with her arms outstretched.

But he turned away in angry disgust.
“Not so” he said, “I will die before I give you power over me.”
“I give you power over me-” was all she could say in response.
But he was gone. She stayed in a lonely cave, so wasting away with
longing that only her voice now is left to her.


大聲喊著。 「出來呀!!」她張開雙臂喜悅地從樹叢後跳出來回應著。
「在我把我的力量給你之前我就會死。」「在我把我的 力量給你之
前…」是她唯一能夠說出的話。 Narcissus離開了,只留下了她獨自

So Narcissus went on his cruel way, a scorner of love. But one say,
as Narcissus bent over a clear pool for a drink and saw his own reflection
there, on the moment he fell in love with it.

一潭清澈 的湖邊,低頭取水時,煞那間看見自己的倒影,竟深深地愛上了

He pined away, leaning perpetually over the pool, fixed in one long gaze.
There on the spot was blooming a new and lovely flower,
and people called it by his name, Narcissus.

名字爲花命名,名為Narcissus (水仙花)。