Thursday, October 13, 2005

Just want to write "Phrasal Verb"

jack up = to raise
joke around = to be humorous
jump in = enter a conversation
jump to = make a quick, poorly thought out decision

keep at = not give up, to persevere
keep down = not vomit, not throw up
keep off = prevent from stepping or climbing on to something
keep over = cover something with, put something above
keep to => keep on = continue
keep up = stay on the required schedule
keep up with = stay on schedule with (a person, the workload, homework)

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Lingustic Vocaburary - chapter I

01. embryonic: being in an early stage of development
02. fossilization: when repeating a word for many times, you got stucked with its pronunciation
03. encapsulate: to express or show the most important facts about something
04. syntax(語法): the grammatical arrangement of words in a sentence
05. semantic(語義學): Syntax describes the rules by which words can be combined into sentences, while semantics describes what they mean
06. lexis: all the words of a language
07. phonology(音系學): the study of sounds in a particular language or in languages generally
08. morphology(形態學): the scientific study of the structure and form of either animals and plants or words and phrases
09. utterance(說話方式): something that someone says; any sound that is made
10. pragmatics(語用學): generally the study of natural language understanding
11. modularity: relating to, or based on a module or modulus (in chapter I, it stands for brain)
12. fluctuating: always changing, moving, especially continuously and between one level or thing and another
13. decapitate: to cut off the head of a person
14. idiolect(個人習慣用語): The speech of an individual, considered as a linguistic pattern unique among speakers of his or her language or dialect.
15. to coin a word: to create a new word
16. loan words: borrowed words
17. innate: to be born with
18. cognate: describes languages and words that have the same origin, or that are related and in some way similar

What does "As per" mean?

The meaning is “in accordance with,” or
in response to the request made