01. bite off more than one can chew: overloaded
When James registered for 30 credits in his last semester of college, he bit off more than he can chew.
02. tell apart: distinguish, identify
The two brothers look so much alike that few people can tell them apart.
03. all in all: generally, in summary
There were a few problems, but all in all it was a well-organized seminar.
04. pass out(1): to distribute
Please help me pass out these test papers; there must be a hundred of them.
05. pass out(2): faint
The weather was so hot in the soccer stadium that some of the fans in the stands passed out.
06. go around: to go for everyone
We thought that we had bought enough food and drink for the party, but actually there wasn’t enough to go around.
07. in the way: in the middle, blocking
Jocelyn couldn’t drive through the busy intersection because a big truck was in the way.
08. put on: to gain weight
Bob has put on a lot of weight recently. He must have put at least fifteen pounds on.
09. put up: to build
The construction company is tearing down that old office building in order to put up a new one.
10. put something up: to raise
Please put your hand up if you have never studied English grammar before.
11. put up with: tolerate
While I'm studying, I can't put up with any noise or other distractions.
12. in vain: helpless, useless
All the doctors' efforts to save the injured woman were in vain. She was declared dead three hours after being admitted to the hospital.
13. day in day out: everyday
During the moth of April, it rained day in day out.
14. catch up: keep up, not fall behind
The student was absent from class so long that it tool her a long time to catch up.
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